
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Wednesday 28 May 2008

If you're in the mood for a good story...

read Rachel North's mouse saga - starring her fat and lazy cat, Miff:

I read it again last night when I couldn't sleep, and it still amuses me. I think my favourite part is when they drop the cat right on TOP of the mouse, and it still fails to catch it.

My small cat is now quite adept at catching and eating flies (little manker that she is). Fairy Godmother Louse also sent some marvellous cat toys which she has been enjoying. I'm trying to take pictures of her playing with them, but some are proving rather difficult as they involve leaping (cue lots of pictures without the cat even in the frame). When I have them, you'll have them.

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Gender Institute yearly photo

Every year when I look at this group photo, I can't help feel that there must be a lot of academic departments made up entirely of unattractive people that cancel ours out!

This photo was taken last week, in one of the four days of summer we had. First one to spot me wins a prize :)

In other news, I should have a piece published online to add to my little 'publications' section soon. It's actually the Little Britain chapter, which is being published in two separate places (hurrah!). So if you're too cheap to buy the book, you can read the (more extended, but better) version online. Soon. Just have to make a few changes for the editors.

In kitten news, Yoko has discovered:

a) how to make a very whiny miaow when she wants to be picked up
b) how to get onto the kitchen surface where we keep her pot of toys and also things that she is not allowed to eat
c) that the kitten in the mirror is her (same cannot be said for shadow kitten on sunny days... this is still an enemy to be destroyed)

Thursday 15 May 2008

more kittenness


Riccardo inspired me to make a lolcat!

Believe it or not, I'm also reading feminist post-colonial theory right now...

Let's see if I have more fun

Ignoring the death stare, I like this picture because it is proof of a) blondeness, b) engagedness, and c) that I really did collect 2000 surveys. And you can only see half of them!

Actually my hair looks darker in this picture than it really is. Looks like Photo Booth is not omniscient after all...

Thursday 8 May 2008

No one likes being photographed mid-miaow

Poor Yoko is kind of being ignored tonight while I desperately try and finish a chapter that has absolutely no chance of being finished tonight. The PhD and Deborah were not meant to be together I think...

Paper Eating Frenzy

Did anyone order a kitten?

Active with the activists

Who doesn't love a good protest? And as punishment for actually buying me a necklace with the Playboy bunny on it (even though my mother is actually such a naif that she claims not to have known what it was - "I thought it was just a sweet little bunny!"), I'm taking her with me. I love their campaign logo.