
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Wednesday 28 May 2008

If you're in the mood for a good story...

read Rachel North's mouse saga - starring her fat and lazy cat, Miff:

I read it again last night when I couldn't sleep, and it still amuses me. I think my favourite part is when they drop the cat right on TOP of the mouse, and it still fails to catch it.

My small cat is now quite adept at catching and eating flies (little manker that she is). Fairy Godmother Louse also sent some marvellous cat toys which she has been enjoying. I'm trying to take pictures of her playing with them, but some are proving rather difficult as they involve leaping (cue lots of pictures without the cat even in the frame). When I have them, you'll have them.

1 comment:

Gorilla Bananas said...

I once saw a cat eat wasps without getting stung. The ones in my part of the world have much larger appetites.