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Thursday 19 February 2009

I have no words for this

It's rare that I am taken aback by how offensive something is, or surprised at the level of misogyny that gets accepted and mainstreamed, but this has done it.

The Japanese computer game 'Rapelay' is a rape simulation game. After Ellen describes it thus:
The objective of the game is to stalk a mother and her two children, described as “virgin schoolgirls,” and rape them repeatedly in every orifice until you “break” them and they become your willing sex slaves. You can also recruit other men to gang rape them. The only way to lose this game is if you impregnate one of your victims and you don’t force her to get an abortion. Also, one of the victims may randomly stab you, but only if you randomly put her in the cowgirl sex position. Otherwise, it’s just continued sexual assault with no repercussions. The most disturbing theme in this game is the idea that if you break down a woman repeatedly, she will grow to like being raped, i.e. women secretly want to be taken against their will. After portraying the women being raped in excruciating detail, including "tears that glisten and move in the little girl's eyes," the game tells us that, after all of this suffering, women eventually enjoy it.

You'd think this would make me absolutely livid, but it makes me want to cry instead. Sometimes I think this is a fight we've already lost.

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