
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Sunday 31 May 2009

Stuart Rose is an idiot

"What more do you women WANT?" exclaims Stuart Rose today. He thinks we have everything, you see. Complete equality in the workplace and yet still we complain and whine, like the bitches we are. So why ARE we whining? What DO we want?

1. How about EQUAL FUCKING PAY, Stuart? Here's just ONE report I could have pulled out of many that proves we don't have it. Here's an explanation of the pay gap and why it is not getting better.

2. How about not losing our jobs if we become pregnant? Yes, this happens. Yes, still.

3. How about not being judged on our looks, in terms of getting a job in the first place, or getting promoted once we have it.

4. How about NOT ignoring that fact that so many workplaces are institutionally sexist, and actually trying to change THAT, not US.

5. How about not being sexually harrassed in the workplace? And no, a workplace where it is acceptable to look at porn in the office, or take clients out to lap-dancing clubs is NOT a safe or pleasant environment for women to work in.

Just a few things for you to think about over your cornflakes, Stuart. Which are probably being poured into your bowl for you by a woman who doesn't dare tell you what a cock you are.

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