
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Monday 14 April 2008

blah blah blah

Well, on the plus side, the reason I haven't blogged much is because I have actually been getting a reasonable amount of work done. Some days I even believe that I'm going to get a PhD at the end of this. 

Ten things I have done in the last month that prove I am now a grown-up

1. Filed all my bank statements and financial papers in one place
2. Written about 10,000 words of my PhD
3. Got engaged
4. Opened a joint bank account for bills and food
5. Refused to attend several gigs on the grounds that they are too far away (Brixton, instead of west London for example) or that they are standing gigs. I need to sit down and have a good view, dammit!
6. Not bitten my nails (this is mainly related to point 3 as people keep looking at my hands)
7. Cleared my desk ENTIRELY of extraneous material
8. Read (and understood) business section news about the credit crunch
9. Remembered to keep my fold-out alternative to a plastic bag in my bag when I go shopping
10. Baked pies, puddings and other things

Ten things that might throw doubt on my adult status:

1. Used animal shaped cookie cutters to turn grown up pie into 'Polar Bear Pie' etc.
2. Continued to buy 'Heat' every week and read it cover to cover
3. Had to reapply nail polish every day as keep picking it off as an alternative to biting nails
4. Bought more Kipling bags on Ebay because they are so great and the monkeys are cute
5. Played too much Scrabulous when could have been writing more PhD
6. Have been hiding engagement because questions about weddings are too grown-up and more unanswerable than questions about PhD. Chairbacks? Seriously?
7. Went to see '21' and '27 Dresses' and enjoyed '27 Dresses' more
8. Currently wearing hair in bunches
9. Wardrobe contains at least 20 hoodies
10. Had to make list about whether adult or not 


Mike said...

Congratulations on the engagement! I remember when Heat was a general entertainment magazine - I used to subscribe...

Me... said...

exsqueeze me??? in at number 3 "got in gag ged?" nothing like slipping that one under the wire! Well hearty congrats to you. Are the nuptials liable to be any time soon or like Mike and Gemma, sometime in the next century?

Deborah said...

hahaha I know. I'm going for 'understated' but I realise it may have slipped into 'secret'. Early next year is the plan, after I'm Dr Deborah...

I may also be writing on the invitations 'NO, I WILL NOT BE CHANGING MY NAME!!!'

you see, I have wedding rage already... can't be good

Me... said...

lummy - don't mention the wedding Manuel! I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it! As for "secret" you in training for MI5 or as maybe a James Bond villan? Once you get the Doctorate and the kitty you'll be well sorted. Though must admint West London isn't the likeliest places to have a "lair"