
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Thursday 24 April 2008

more of the same

Still got plague. Worse today than yesterday, so given that it was the third day where absolutely *nothing* was working - not even stuff I had from last time I had tonsilitis - and I felt like crap I managed to drag myself to the doctors for some heavy duty antibiotics. Fingers crossed I will start to feel better tomorrow. I'm really so very over it. And I know this may sound strange, but I actually WANT to get back to work. It was actually going ok before this and I was about to submit a chapter. Now I'm stalled in a very annoying way. Sigh. Still, nothing I can do but wait it out, and at least I guess it means I'm resting the bloody hip injury! God, I must be getting old. I have AILMENTS. Plural.

Was going to watch 'For The Bible Tells Me So' tonight, but just couldn't face it. Had delicious cottage pie (Gordon Ramsay recipe, cooked by Alice) tonight, and I actually managed to eat about half a bowl of it, which is as much as I've had of anything really. Got some Ben and Jerry's sorbet too. Mmm...

By the way, if you haven't been to see Mike Leigh's new film 'Happy-Go-Lucky' yet, you really must. It's fantastic. I was skeptical that the man was capable of making a happy movie - especially as he claims that some of his others are happy (I've seen most of them: he and I obviously differ in our definitions of 'happy'), but he definitely pulls it off. Sally Hawkins is brilliant, as is Eddie Marsan (who I think lives round the corner from me, as I often see him in Chiswick eateries). See it, and feel like a better person :)

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