
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Friday 29 February 2008

Who am I, again?

Well, I believe I am in New Zealand, although I wouldn't be surprised to find it is a dream, and I am still on the plane... I'm in the airport lounge in Auckland, just one more short flight now to get to Wellington. 25 hours on the plane: London-LA and LA-Auckland. Pretty harsh, although thank goodness we had exit row seats so tons of legroom, and the entertainment system on Air New Zealand is really good. You could watch movies on demand, and also turn your remote control round as use it as a game controller (Alice sucks at 'Who Wants To Be A Millionnaire' and I rule at Sudoku).

I watched:

Lions for Lambs 
- anvilicious, really fairly poor, not sure how Meryl Street and Tom Cruise got talked into it. I blame Robert Redford

The Jane Austen Book Club 
- surprisingly entertaining. But then I love Jane Austen, and have a weakness for romantic comedies. Add in Emily Blunt as a snarky teacher, and Shannon from Lost as a skydiving lesbian, and what can go wrong?!

Michael Clayton
- not as good as I was expecting it to be. I did think Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson were excellent, but George Clooney didn't quite pull off the conflicted and complex character that Clayton was supposed to be, in my opnion. But hey - the Academy disagreed and gave him an Oscar nomination, so what do I know?

- I had originally said I wouldn't watch this, as the posters put a phonetic spelling under the name (rat - a - too - ee), which I thought was really catering to a lowest common denominator. Still, after Michael Clayton, I was in the mood for a talking rat chef. And it was fairly entertaining, I have to admit. Especially Peter O'Toole as the restaurant critic, Anton Ego. Ha.

August Rush
- I'd never heard of this until I saw Keri Russell Oscar-nominated for it, so I thought I'd give it a go. Maybe slightly too fairytale-ish, but if you've got to go for something cheesy, I think music making the world go round is the way to go. Besides, by the time I watched this one, I probably would have cried at 'There Will Be Blood' :)

It's 8am on Saturday here, but it feels more like midday I think. I know it's 7pm on Friday at home, which I still can't wrap my head round. I'm hoping to be able to function for as much of a full day as possible. Alice thinks a dip in the sea will revive us, but it's chucking it down, and I'm not convinced that I'll even remember how to swim by the time we get there. Apologies if this is full of typos... I got up at 5.30am on Thursday...

Time for a big coffee :)

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