
      staving off final year insanity with procrastination...

Saturday 19 January 2008

busy busy busy

I've fallen behind a bit on updating, but am determined to keep going, even though documenting my PhD-ridden, boring-assed life is somewhat depressing. Not that I've even been able to do much PhDing recently. The flats go on the market this week, so I'm helping with dressing them. During the course of this I have discovered the following:

a) shopping is not as much fun when it's not for you
b) I am some kind of IKEA bedside table-assembling guru
c) it's all more time consuming than it looks on Property Ladder

Still, despite not having had a real weekend for some time, I escaped today to go and see 'Charlie Wilson's War' with Alice. It was pretty good (if you ignore the actual essence of what they were doing and just concentrate on things like funny dialogue and good acting). My hatred of Tom Hanks dwindles as the years pass - maybe I've mellowed, maybe he's become genuinely less annoying.

And Dan's cooking some kind of supper tonight, so yay for that!


Alice said...

that's funny. I spent the weekend assembling IKEA bedside tables also. Mine are black. Yours?

Deborah said...

two were light brown, four were mid/red-brown. and in no sense are they 'mine' :)